
Thanks for visiting our blog. We hope you will find some encouragement for your marriage and your faith.

Know that you are reading words from a husband and wife who really love Christ and love each other, but who struggle as much as you do and don’t have all the answers.

Blake and Gayla McKinney have been married since 1991. They are the parents of three kids, and they serve First Baptist Church of Lee’s Summit, Missouri.

Gayla is the louder one of this team while Blake is the thinker.  Often our loud discussions (which truly are never discussions since there is only one loud one on the team) have led the thinker to say, “Wait! Wait! We are on the same team!” This is where the theme of our blog, our writing material, and our sanity in marriage was born.  We truly try to remember that although we may disagree at times or our feelings may suggest otherwise, we really are on the same team.  We have also attempted to teach our children that they are on the team with us!

1 thought on “About”

  1. ShaNnon Johnson said:

    Thank you Blake and Gayla for sharing a part into your lives!

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